Grease Trap Cleaning for Winnipeg and Rural Manitoba

Grease traps are commonly found in commercial kitchens, restaurants, and other food service establishments where fats, oils, and grease are used in cooking.

Our team will remove any accumulated grease (and other debris) from the traps, prevent blockages and maintain their effectiveness, and ensure your kitchen is operating in compliance with provincial by-laws.

Throughout the course of our work together, we will openly communicate our progress and ask for feedback as we exceed your expectations and industry standards. When the job is complete, we’ll give you an After Service Report that notes the condition of your system, any needed repairs, and upcoming maintenance items. We’ll also provide date-stamped before and after photos (upon request) to show the job was done right.

The benefits of our grease trap cleaning services include:

Prevents Blockages
Grease traps capture fats, oils, and grease before they enter the drainage system. Regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of these substances, reducing the risk of blockages in pipes and sewer lines. Blocked drains can lead to unpleasant odours, slow drainage, and costly repairs.

Maintains Plumbing Efficiency
By preventing the buildup of grease and solids, regular cleaning helps maintain the efficiency of the plumbing system. This ensures smooth drainage and reduces the likelihood of plumbing issues, such as backups and overflows.

Compliance with Regulations
Many municipalities and environmental agencies have regulations in place that require businesses to install and maintain grease traps. For instance, the City of Winnipeg Sewer By-law requires all commercial, institutional, and food service preparation operations to have grease trap(s) that are cleaned – and recorded via your maintenance logbook – weekly; if traps return to over 50% full after a weekly clean, then they need to be cleaned (and recorded) more frequently. Failure to comply will result in fines and penalties.

Prevents Odours
Accumulated grease and food particles in grease traps can produce foul odours. Regular cleaning eliminates these odour-causing substances and creates a pleasant, sanitary environment in the kitchen.

Extends the Life of Grease Trap
Regular maintenance, including cleaning, helps extend the lifespan of the grease trap. By preventing corrosion and deterioration, businesses can avoid the costs associated with premature replacement or repairs.

Reduces the Risk of Sewer Line Backups
When grease and solids pass through the grease trap and enter the sewer lines, they can contribute to blockages in the municipal sewer system. Regular cleaning minimizes the risk of sewer line backups that can be disruptive and costly.

Promotes Hygiene
A clean grease trap contributes to a more hygienic kitchen environment. It helps prevent the growth of bacteria, pests, and other contaminants that can thrive in grease-laden environments.

Prevents Environmental Impact
Grease, fats, and oils discharged into the sewer system can have adverse effects on the environment. Regular grease trap cleaning reduces your environmental impact by containing these substances and preventing them from entering waterways.

Avoids Emergency Repairs
Regularly scheduled grease trap cleaning helps businesses avoid emergency plumbing issues. Proactive maintenance is more cost-effective than dealing with emergency repairs, downtime, and potential damage to the facility.

Improves Kitchen Workflow
A well-maintained grease trap contributes to the overall efficiency of the kitchen. It reduces the likelihood of unexpected issues, allowing kitchen staff to focus on their tasks without disruptions.

In summary, grease trap cleaning is essential for maintaining a functional and hygienic commercial kitchen. The benefits extend beyond compliance with regulations to include preventing plumbing issues, ensuring a clean and odour-free environment, and avoiding unnecessary costs associated with repairs and replacements.

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